The third PS:EUROPE Brown Bag Seminar entitled “Mourning and Collective Memory” was held on May 28. The speakers of the seminar were Aylin Vartanyan, Instructor at Boğaziçi University and Derya Acuner from Karakutu which carries out projects and trainings on memory for/with young people. After the speeches of speakers the seminar moderated by Seren Selvin Korkmaz, PS:EUROPE Turkey Director and Vice-Chair, continued with sharings and questions of participants.
We would like to thank speakers, participants and our “Brown bag” sponsor Doğacıyız Gourmet for their kind contribution!
PS:EUROPE Brown Bag Seminars which aims to bring together the graduate students, academicians, politicians and activists in a discussion series in an interactive manner will continue in the next the academic term!