The panel titled “Discussing the Constitutional Democracy in Turkey” held in Zonguldak on 1 October 2016 with the keen participation of Zonguldak people. The panel organized with the cooperation of PS:EUROPE, Önce Demokrasi Platform, Social Democracy Association and Zonguldak Democracy Platform.
The moderator of the panel was Ibrahim Kerem Ertem (President of Zonguldak Bar) and Assos. Prof. Erdoğan Kaymakçı (Spokesman of Zonguldak Democracy Platform) carried out the opening speech. After the speeches of Prof. İbrahim Kaboğlu (Marmara University, Law Faculty) and Deniz Yavuzyılmaz (Vice Chair of the Executive Board of PS:EUROPE) on the importance of the constitution, constitutional acquisitions, constitution and the state of emergency, the panel proceed with the questions and discussion session.
Many thanks to all speekers, participants and press for their kind participation!